
Tuesday 24 January 2012

For the long winter evenings

Winter has arrived, and it is a perfect opportunity for indoor escapes. One of my favorite ways to relax and recharge is to cuddle up on the couch in my cozy pajamas, a hot beverage in one hand and the TV remote in the other.
Now  I'm in love with American Horror Story and Psych.
American Horror Story have some elements of horror, yes. But in my humble opinion it's have a great story line. It's well thought out and keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next episode. It's intriguing, it's sexy, it's has superb acting, great characters, and I could go on forever. I love American Horror Story!
Psych it's a different story. It's a great, very fun and clever detective show, with constant laugh out loud moments and amusing and likable characters. I have watched it since the first season, and it bring a smile ever. I love the fun, the sun, and Shawn.
Finally, I'm planning to watch another drama this winter - House M.D. I hope to watch it avidly, before the winter is over.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Bahamas cruise, day two - Key West

Bahamas cruise, day one - Miami and welcome aboard

Ok, it was my first cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas  and I’m pleased to share the details and the photos with you. Majesty is not the biggest or equipped with most bells and whistles, but for me she is a wonderful ship. Majesty’s 4-night itinerary is a great way to try out cruising and try a new destination.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Friday 20 January 2012

Happy birthday, dear mom!

Today is one of my favorite people in this entire world's birthday. Today is my mom's birthday! My mom is the greatest mother the world has ever seen.

She's the kind of mom that when she hears you don't have socks, comes home with a bag load of new ones for you. Oh, you like yogurt? I'll just stock your fridge for you! You fell running up the stairs and now have a lump the size of an egg on your shin? Let me nurse that back to health. Oh, you're low on Vitamin C? Oh, just take mine. Your heart is aching? Let me hold you until the pain eases. Your spirit is low? I'm already praying for it. You live far away? You're always in my heart, no matter the distance.

My mom has been my best friend as far back as I can remember. She has been my teacher, my friend, a major source of wisdom and strength here on this earth and the greatest mother I could have ever asked God for. She may not have been the best Barbie doll player, but she always tried!

I'm sitting here like a big baby all teary-eyed because I'm all grown up now and am missing out on the chance to run up to her and tell her these things in person. But the thing is, she already knows them. She knows how much I love her.

Mom, no one loves you like I do! :)

Thursday 19 January 2012

If we sleep together...

Today when I woke up, I put on this song and it brought me back to a lazy winter I spent on Hawaii with my husband. Listening to this song today brought back some beautiful memories, and also made me feel so happy with where I am now and how far I’ve come since that time.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Я помню

Помню, лет в семь-восемь залезла с компанией на второй этаж и оттуда прыгала вниз, в сугробы.  Было мягко, снежно и весело. Маме я рассказала об этом, когда мне было уже за 20.
Помню, как мама отстояла несколько часов в огромной очереди  и купила польский крем для лица «Пани Валевска». Я была влюблена эту в банку из темно-синего  стекла. Однажды не выдержала, и вымазала весь крем на ковер. Синяя банка досталась мне со слезами мамы.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Качественная литература по будням

Есть отличный способ познакомиться с новыми авторами, не испытывая муки выбора - сервис http://smartfiction.ru
По ссылке "доставка рассказов на электронную почту" можно подписаться на рассылку-подарок :-)
Каждые будни по почте приходит новый рассказ
Вот сегодня, например, Цвейг - "Открытие Эльдорадо",
Вчера "Смерть героя" Лагерквиста, позавчера "Без пяти минут миллионер" Вудхауза

Если любите чтение - не пройдите мимо!

PS Так же работает подписка по RSS

Sunday 15 January 2012

First Day of the Year

Hello dears!

Hope the first few days of 2012 have been treating you well.
I decided to start the new year with a walk on Appia Antika.
It’s hard to get up out after a night of partying, but we woke up early and started our trip at 9AM!

Mystic forest (Parco dell'Appia Antica)

This year I will

Today's homemade pizza

Today is our Second year wedding anniversary

My loving husband,
I wish that these happy moments with you will never end.
Thank you for loving me & taking care of me.
I feel so lucky having you my life. You and me forever!


Monday 9 January 2012

New Year vacation in Rome

Hello dears!

The time for our annual new years vacation and the time for drinking and eating in Rome is ended!
This was my 5 time in Rome, and for me it was the best trip to Rome.

First, we had no agenda other than to eat great food, drink great wine and take photos. We have been to all the usual sites, so we only reserved a local restaurant for New Year's Eve.

Second, weather was awesome, sunny and warm

Thirdly, we hadn't great plans for shopping,  so we not spent our time in lines to shops. However, we bought something interesting -)

If you interesting, I can recommend some restaurants and give you some tips how you can spend your time in Rome.
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